
The M´Bopicuá Biopark has an interesting variety of native flora on the Uruguay River banks.

On the riverside woods of the M´Bopicuá property, there are three strips running along the banks with clearly distinct floral composition. The first strip is dominated by species requiring great humidity levels: phyllanthus sellowianus (“Sarandí Blanco”), cephalanthus glabratus (“Sarandí Colorado”), sebastiania schottiana (“Sarandí Negro”), acanthosyris spinescens (“Quebracho Flojo”), inga uruguensis (“Ingá”), pouteria salicifolia (“Mataojos”), pouteria gardneriana (“Mataojos Colorado”), sebastiania commersoniana (“Blanquillo”) and guettarda uruguayensis (“Jazmín del Uruguay”). As we get away from the coast, and as a consequence of an increased dryness in the soil, there is a prevalence of species such as scutia buxifolia (“Coronilla”), maytenus ilicifolia (“Congorosa”), jodina rhombifolia (“Sombra de Toro”), ugni molinae (“Murta”), celtis iguanaea (“Tala Trepador”), celtis ehrenbergiana (“Tala”), hexachlamys edulis (“Ubajay”), eugenia cisplatensis (“Guayabo colorado”), allophylus edulis (“Chal-Chal”) and poecilanthe parviflora (“Lapachillo”). Finally, in the driest areas, furthest away from the water, trees are scrubby, as well as smaller. There, the species that prevail are the schinus molle (“Molle”), schinus longifolius (“Molle Rastrero”), jodina rhombifolia (“Sombra de Toro”), scutia buxifolia (“Coronilla”), celtis ehrenbergiana (“Tala”), celtis iguanaea (“Tala Trepador”), maytenus ilicifolia (“Congorosa”) and Cat’s Claw or uncaria tomentosa (“Uña de Gato”).

Native woods account for 5% of the total surface area of Uruguay, and their importance hinges on the assets they provide (among others, wood and fruits), as well as soil protection and hydrological cycle regulation. They are also the habitat of many wildlife species.


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